Fiction books

The Coffin Maker’s Apprentice…released April 2024

I hope my fictionalized crime novels bring a fascinating country, its history and its culture, to the attention of a wider public.

Coming in April, 2024

Timorese police investigator Vincintino Cordero is assigned the case of two youths, rival gang members, found a week apart with their throats slit and a betel quid placed in their mouths. The case distracts him from spending time with FBI Agent Sara Carter before she completes her INTERPOL assignment and heads home to Arizona. But … Read more

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The Sand Digger’s Skull

Second book in the East Timor Crime Series comes out in April, 2023. You can pre-order on any online book retail site or direct from Coffeetown Press (US). An agnostic Catholic priest and an old woman believed to be a witch become key to FBI Agent Sara Carter and her Timorese police colleague, Vincintino Cordero, … Read more

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The Crocodile’s Kill

Babies are being abducted from their homes in the mountains along East Timor’s southern border with Indonesia. Local villagers believe the babies are sacrificed in order to appease ancestral spirits disturbed by development projects encroaching on traditional land. FBI Agent Sara Carter, on secondment to INTERPOL, is assigned to investigate the case which is suspected … Read more

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